When a Lawyer asked about inheriting eternal life, Jesus answered didactically with this question: “What is written in the Law?”. In response, the Lawyer quoted – verbatim – Deut 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18; and Jesus said this answer was correct.
I was impressed by a “video” my daughter had made showing a small stuffed frog opening her purse, removing its contents and then climbing inside – all by itself! Recounting how it was done, she told me she would reach into the scene, reposition the frog, remove her hand, and then shoot another frame. Not surprisingly, I believed her.
About two or three RMCF meetings ago, Tom Aanerud, an RMCF Board member who manages the lending library, gave me a copy of an article from the Chemical and Engineering News magazine entitled, “With Protocells, Scientists Probe the Chemistry that Started Biology.” The thrust of this article was, “Researchers design cell-‐like compartments to figure out how Earth’s first cells might have developed.”
Chemists at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge University, England, recently reported that they were able to experimentally map out numerous reactions, producing 2- and 3- carbon atom sugars, various amino acids, more than 50 nucleic acids and glycerol[1]. All of these constitute the basic building blocks for producing proteins, RNA and DNA, as well as lipids, which form cell membranes.
The last RMCF Speaker, David Rives, included the bombardier beetle as one of the examples in his June 12 RMCF presentation. I realize this is not a new topic for most of you, but there is some new, timely data, about the beetle’s explosive mechanism, presented in the Chemical and Engineering News Magazine (CEN), May 4, 2015.
In arecent CMI commentary posted by Jonathan O’Brien, on 3/23/2015, at http://creation.com water-in-moon, it was pointed out that cosmologists at the University of Michigan, found chemically bound water inside moon rocks, which were originally collected during the 1970s, when these rocks were returned to earth.
As a theoretical quantum chemist and chemical physicist, I had always had a keen interest in nuclear physics. The standard models accepted by nuclear physicists, by and large, involve Strong Forces operating between protons (p+) represented as point charges, so as to overcome the enormous repulsive forces present at very short inter-proton distances within the atomic nucleus. Also Weak Forces are proposed to operate between neutrons, which accounts for beta (β-)decay and Electron Capture (EC) mechanisms .These are the Standard Model (SM) coupled with Quantum Electro-Dynamics (QED), for the current theory of nuclear structures.
In the Denver Post, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014, reporter Ishaan Tharoor for the Washington Post, wrote a report on Pope Francis’ recent address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. This article states that the Pope appeared to endorse Big Bang cosmology, by saying there was no contradiction between believing in God as well as prevailing scientific theories. According to Tharoor, the Pope went on to say,†God is not a divine being (emphasis added) or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life.†“Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.â€
In the June 9, 2014 issue of Chemical and Engineering News, page 28, there’s an article entitled “The Moon’s Big Impactâ€, which is a condensed account of a publication in Science, 2014 DOI: 10,11261/science 125117. This paper focuses on an existing hypothesis, that a moon sized body called Theia collided with the earth billions of years ago. The fragments resulting from the explosion of Theia were supposed to have coalesced (via some unconfirmed physical process--comment added by this author) to form the modern-day moon.
Our multi-tasking Board member Bill Browning passed on to me the content of what I am about to share and with which I am in total agreement. I shall initiate this message with a statement made in the latter part of a report given by Martyn Lloyd-Jones, which asserts that our gospel and faith is not a teaching or philosophy, but it is primarily history.
I thought it important, as the RMCF President, that the space allotted for the President’s Corner in this issue of the RMCF Newsletter, be devoted to a topic not associated with creationism per se.
This is the final installment of President's Corners regarding Willard Young's book, "Fallacies of Creationism."
Ken Ham – Bill Nye Debate Feb 4, 2014 (download .zip file of full debate analysis)
The Question: Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era?
While it is intended that this edition will deal with the responding to statements made by Dr. Threlkeld, PhD, Nursing School, Mac Master University, endorsing Willard Young’s book, “Fallacies of Creationism,†I must first give you an update on some very recent authoritative information regarding the Higgs Boson.