
Mr. Terry Mondy - The Pre-Flood Earth

When: Friday, April 09, 2021, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

For our April meeting we welcome Mr. Terry Mondy. His talk is titled The Pre-Flood Earth. Terry Mondy earned his BS in Biology Education from the University of Illinois, and was awarded the College of Education's Edmund James Scholarship. He graduated with “High Honors with Distinction in the Curriculum.” His MS in Biology, from Purdue University, was earned while on a complete scholarship from the National Science Foundation. Having earned a perfect 5.0 average, he graduated first in his class.

In June, 2002, he retired after 33 years as a science teacher at Wheeling High School, Wheeling, Illinois. In 1992, the Illinois Science Teachers Association voted him one of the ten best science teachers in Illinois, and in 1992 and 2001, he received High School District 214's Outstanding Contributions to Education Award. The National Association of Biology Teachers honored him as the Outstanding Biology Teacher in Illinois for school year 1999-2000.

He has published more than 25 articles relating to the Creation/Evolution issue. He was a speaker and had a paper published at The Second International Conference on Creationism in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the author of two books: Making Your Biology/Life Science Class the Best It Can Be and New and Innovative Strategies for Accelerating Student Achievement and Motivation in your Biology/Life Science Classes.

For twelve years Mr. Mondy was a speaker for the Bureau of Education and Research in Seattle. He presented a one-day seminar throughout North America for life science teachers on how to make their biology classes the best they can be. His seminars have been attended by thousands of life science teachers. He also has been on the faculty at Judson University in Elgin, Illinois, and Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. He has appeared on national television and on Moody Radio's Open Line. He has been interviewed for CTV's Channel 40 in Pittsburgh, and D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Ministries in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Please join us back at the church in-person as we welcome our prestigious speaker! There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Little Baptist church

For those who wish to watch the presentation online

YouTube Live feed: RMCF YouTube Channel

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Feb 12, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time
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