
Dr. Russ Humphreys - God’s Big Magnets in the Sky

When: Friday, September 11, 2020, 07:00pm
Where: Zoom LIVE Webinar, Earth

For our September meeting we welcome back Dr. Russell Humphreys, who will be speaking on the topic God’s Big Magnets in the Sky. Dr. Humphreys is a retired physicist from Sandia National Laboratories where he was involved in nuclear physics,  geoscience research, and theoretical atomic and nuclear physics. He has a B.S. from Duke University and earned his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University. He has been a longtime member of the Creation Research Society and retired last year from its board of directors after 26 years of service.

In 1983 Dr. Humphreys made predictions about the magnetic fields of Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, well before those magnetic fields were measured by spacecraft. Among the most inportant moments in modern creation science research was witnessing one-by-one his predictions borne out by NASA spacecraft.

Please do not miss this much-anticipated presentation by one of the foremost scientists of our time.

We plan to open the webinar around 6:50pm to allow time for people to join in. The webinar will start at 7pm sharp. Up to 100 participants can join the webinar where you will be able to ask questions after the presentation. Any number of people will be able to watch the presentation LIVE on the RMCF YouTube channel.

Please click this link to join the webinar, passcode 334294

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