
Mr. James Burr: Our Awesome God of science, the Bible and Astronomy

When: Friday, May 10, 2019, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

For our May meeting we are honored to welcome back Mr. James Burr, the founder of Heavens Declare, Inc. Since the early 1980's Mr. Burr has presented lectures on Astronomy from a Biblical Perspective to thousands in churches, youth groups, elementary and high schools, colleges, universities, retirement centers and home-school associations in the U.S., France, Australia, Panama, Bahamas, DR. Haiti, and 5 tours of Russia. He has also appeared on many international satellite feeds and spoken at camp IDRAHAJIE for 20 years. Jim is recognized throughout the world for his achievements in telescope design and manufacturing and has 12 telescope patents. As well as Designing two scopes for NASA, and inventing giant binocular scopes. He is now semi retired from JMI Telescopes.

Please join us for what is always an interesting look into the stars with one of the world's foremost experts in the telescopes we use to enjoy God's wondrous universe! Refreshments as always after the meeting.

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