
Dr. Curt Wise: "Shaking Your Faith: Earthquakes as Part of God's Redemptive Story"

When: Friday, February 12, 2016, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

At Our February 12, 2016 meeting, we are blessed to have Dr. Kurt Wise, noted creationist paleontologist and science educator. Dr. Wiseis presently Professor of Natural Science and Director, Center for Creation Research at Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland, GA.

Previously, (1989-2006) he served as Director, Center of Origins Research, Bryan College, Dayton, TN and Director, Center for Science and Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY (2006-2009)  Dr. Wise's educational background includes: BA in Geophysical Sciences, U. Chicago, and MA and PhD in Geology from Harvard U. (1989), with thesis entitled: "The Estimation of True Taxonomic Durations from Fossil Occurrence Data".

With over 180 published articles, books and videos, Kurt is among the best-known scientists in the creation movement, and is co-founder of the Creation Geology Society and the Creation Biology Society.  He is perhaps best known for his 1998 collaboration with Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries on Genesis Part One: The Creation, an inductive Bible study course on Genesis 1 & 2, which includes six 45-minute video presentations.  Most people are not aware that Kurt served as Adjunct Curator and creation science consultant in exhibit design, at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY.  Dr. Wise has chosen for his topic, "Shaking Your Faith: Earthquakes as Part of God's Redemptive Story".  See ya there !

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