
Mr. Terry Beh: Dinosaurs & Modern Science: Featherweight Facts & Fertile Imaginations in the Extreme Effort to Sell Dinosaur- Bird Evolution to the Public

When: Friday, February 14, 2014, 07:00pm
Where: 2100 North Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO

At the February 14 meeting, RMCF will host professional writer/publisher and fossil excavator Terry P. Beh. Terry has dug up dinosaur bones with creationists such as Dr. Carl Baugh of the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, TX, Joe Taylor of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, TX, and Otis Kline of FACT and the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum in Glendive, MT. In addition to supervising many of their Montana dino digs, in recent years he helped FACT excavate 70% of a Thescelosaurus, and 50%-60% of a very large member of the Triceratops family.

Terry particularly enjoys writing about dinosaurs and fossils from a young-earth creation perspective, and exposing the falsehoods of evolution. A number of his articles have appeared in the CRS publication, Creation Matters. Terry understands the fascination children have for these “terrible lizards,” and recently published his first book on the subject containing beautiful illustrations, funny rhymes and interesting facts about each animal. The book gives children a biblical view of dinosaurs. (see tisfortrex.com) Terry’s presentation is entitiled “Dinosaurs & Modern Science: Featherweight Facts & Fertile Imaginations in the Extreme Effort to Sell Dinosaur- Bird Evolution to the Public. The talk is about a modern museum exhibit that goes to ridiculous lengths to convince people that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Typical of evolutionary education today, the display ignores or distorts scientific facts and employs a great deal of speculation, imagination and artistic license to “prove” its point.


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