Past Events


Mr. Joel Tay: The Truth About Dinosaurs

When: Friday, November 10, 2023, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado


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For our November meeting, we are delighted to welcome for the first time Mr. Joel Tay of Creation Ministries International CMI). His talk is on "The Truth About Dinosaurs". People of all ages are captivated by dinosaurs. Unfortunately, evolutionists use dinosaurs to indoctrinate the young and the old with an earth history that includes millions of years but has no room for the Bible. But the Bible is the key to understanding these enigmatic ‘lizards’. What was Behemoth in Job 40? And how did the dinosaurs fit on the Ark? How many dinosaurs were there? You will see exciting evidence that shows how dinosaur bones testify to the reality of the global Flood in Noah’s day. Visit artifacts from around the world showing that people were familiar with these massive creatures long before modern scientists rediscovered them. Finally, explore one of the most exciting areas of dinosaur research: dinosaur soft tissue—showing that dinosaur remains cannot possibly be millions of years old. Learn how to use dinosaurs as a way to reach out to your families and friends about the truth of God’s Word.

Joel became a Christian at the age of seven after his father, a pastor, shared the Gospel with him. Ever since, he has been interested in apologetics and the defense of the faith, and in particular how evolution affects Christian theology.

In 2001, He graduated with a Diploma in Biotechnology (equivalent to a 3 year Associate Degree) from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Singapore). During his studies, he also completed a student internship with the Pediatrics Cytogenetics laboratory at the National University Hospital. He was also very active with his church’s youth ministry and Campus Crusade for Christ. It was around this time that Joel first attended a CMI talk by Dr. Carl Wieland of CMI and was blown away to hear, for the first time, answers to some of his nagging questions about creation and evolution. This ignited a passion to share the Gospel using creation apologetics. 

In 2008, Joel completed a Bachelor of Science from the University of Queensland (Australia), majoring in two fields of studies: Evolutionary Biology and Genetics, with the sole purpose of increasing his own apologetics arsenal to the non-believer. He was also actively involved with Campus Christian Movement as well as an open air preaching ministry. Joel volunteered as an active Support Group volunteer with CMI from 2004–2008 where he attended some 150 plus talks from well-established creation speakers.

Due to his street evangelism ministry Joel has serious ‘street cred!’ As he would often say, “There were two questions that would be raised every single week as objections against the Christian faith. 1) Creation vs. Evolution. 2) “If God is good, how can there be so much evil in the world?” Answering both questions requires going back to the biblical foundation of Genesis. Joel has a desire to see Christians equipped and strengthened in their faith by showing them how the scientific evidence makes more sense when correctly interpreted through a biblical lens.

In 2011, Joel obtained a Master of Divinity (Theology) from Trinity Theological College in Singapore. During this period, he oversaw the Youth Ministry at Sembawang Presbyterian Church, and completed a 1.5 year internship with Redemption Hill Church. Upon graduation, he was employed by Redemption Hill Church where he was largely responsible for researching and writing articles for an apologetics website/project, writing commentary and devotional guides, exegetical research, and teaching. 

In 2014, Joel moved to Fort Worth, Texas, USA. He graduated in 2016 with a Master of Theology in Systematic Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, with an emphasis on philosophical theology especially as it relates to the subject of Christian Theodicy.

In 2016, Joel moved to Georgia to join CMI’s team of specialists where he speaks, researches and writes on science/theology/creation based subjects. In his spare time he is an avid fossil collector, enthusiastic gardener and also loves entertaining children. He is a previous winner of Singapore’s largest street illusionist competition. Joel and his wife have two young children.

Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks anGrand Canyon Answersd refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Little Baptist church

For those who cannot attend in person, you can watch the presentation live via the RMCF YouTube Channel.




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