Past Events

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When: Friday, April 13, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

Dr Dale Hudson is an incompletely fossilized local dentist forty one years in practice. Doc, as he likes to be called, began to study Biblical Creation about ten years after coming to Christ. His motive was to make sure his children were fully aware of God in creation. Even though they were attending Christian schools, Doc was a bit amazed that they were using the same or similar textbooks that the public schools were, with God filled in around the edges. In a God-timed serendipity, the Principal of his children's school invited Doc to give an in-service talk to the teachers on some of the creation issues that he just began to study. The less said about that the better, however, that same Principal was in charge of adult ed in the church hosting the school, and he scheduled Doc to speak to the adult ed class for several sessions. Mostly due to the persistence of the Principal and the forbearance of the attendees, Doc over the process of time became an adequate speaker on most creation topics. Doc has given many talks to his home church, Christian school, home schooled groups and many churches and bible studies in the area.   Doc will be giving an insightful talk about embryology and embryonic development.

He will end his time by answering as many open questions as possible. Doc's favorite thing is to play 'stump the creationist', so this would be a great time to bring children so they have every opportunity to get their questions answered. Within the bounds of propriety and parental approval, no question will be considered too trivial or off topic ...anything goes.

Bring the whole family to this free event.  Refreshments will be served following the presentation.

Hits : 2050
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