Past Events


EE-TAOW: the Mouk Story

When: Friday, March 09, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

  Those who attended the January meeting were inspired by Creation Evangelist Skip Tilton’s story that the evangelistic approach of New Tribes Mission had “changed my life”.  Skip related how as a pastor he experienced explosive church growth, using a Biblical chronological approach to Bible study, starting with Genesis.  Their study materials are based on the same lessons that brought the light and life of Jesus Christ to the Mouk people in Paupa New Guinea, now in a book entitled Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ. Skip also used Henry Morris’ text “The Genesis Record, going verse by verse through Genesis 1-11.

  New Tribes Mission UK helps local churches train, coordinate and send missionaries to unreached tribes with a plan for planting tribal churches. The missionaries must learn their language and understand their culture in order to clearly present the Gospel and effectively plant a church.  Unreached people groups have no concept of the God of the Bible, so Bible teaching begins at the same place God began--at the beginning.  The chronological bible teaching presents a foundation for understanding Jesus' death and resurrection.

  For the March meeting, we are planning to use New Tribe’s spectacular DVD entitled EE-TAOW: the Mouk Story to acquaint our members with the power of the Creation message in reaching the Mouk people with the Gospel. (see

Your heart will rejoice as you witness the tribe respond dramatically to the Gospel. You’ll follow their story from murderous sorcery and deceit to a life-changing understanding of what God has done for them. The powerful story of God’s Word, presented clearly and chronologically in their own language, breaks through the darkness that held the Mouks in bondage.  

Following the DVD showing, we will organize into discussion groups to evaluate its message in the context of RMCF roles and missions.

Please join us and join in the discussion.  Refreshments will be served.

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