Past Events

Dr. Jean Lightner

Jean Lightner: "Genesis: Foundational for Understanding Life and Natural History"

When: Friday, February 09, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

     Dr. Jean Lightner is a board member of the Creation Research Society (CRS) and an adjunct instructor with Liberty University, where she teaches a creation studies course. She actively researches and writes on biological subjects related to baraminology and genetics. Her writings have been published in a variety of creation technical journals, lay-level publications and online.

     Jean has always enjoyed the wonder and beauty of the natural world. She studied animal science and veterinary medicine at Ohio State University.  She received a B.S. in Agriculture (1978), a doctorate in veterinary medicine (D.V.M.; 1985), and a M.S. in veterinary preventive medicine (1987).  The M.S. was particularly important in preparing her for what she does now. The coursework required her to read research papers, looking for assumptions and considering various plausible interpretations of the data presented.

    The title of Dr. Lightner’s talk will be :  "Genesis: Foundational for Understanding Life and Natural History"

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