Past Events

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Authority of Scripture and the Relevance of Genesis

When: Friday, January 12, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: Independence Ct Wheat Ridge,

IMPORTANT NOTE: This meeting is being held at Denver Bible Church, located here

In January, we plan a return appearance from creation evangelist Skip Tilton, Director of From Day One Ministries. While attending Bob Jones University, where he earned a Master of Ministry degree, Skip served as aforeign missions team leader. He was ordained in 1993, and became pastor of Finger Lakes Baptist Church in Geneva, NY. 

Burdened by the failure of many Christians to see the importance of the authority of scripture, and seeing first hand in his church how critical was the understanding of a biblical worldview and the relevance of the Genesis/Creation message, the Lord led Skip to join the staff of Answers inGenesis, where he served almost 10 years as an evangelistic speaker and as supervisor of the planning, design, and construction of the Creation Museum. Later, as an evangelist with CMI–US, Skip continued in ministry, providing the understanding needed to strengthen believers’ faith and equipping them with a stronger biblical worldview.

In December of 2010, the Lord led Skip to form his own ministry, From Day One Ministries, which serves local churches through a diversified range of ministry programs designed to proclaim the total authority and absolute truth of the Bible.  Skip’s talk will present a challenging, illustrated message on the authority of scripture and the relevance of Genesis to the Gospel, society, evangelism, church growth, and daily living.

Please join us and be strengthened in faith and better equipped to reach the lost for Christ.

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