
Mr. Fred Williams: Information Theory and the Demise of Darwinism

When: Friday, November 08, 2019, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

Evolutionists claim that life arose by random mutation and natural selection. While numerous holes in this “theory” have been exposed time and again across the scientific spectrum, perhaps the greatest unmasking has come from the fields of molecular biology and genetics. Intersecting these fields is the science of information, which by itself poses overwhelming problems for any concept that relies on randomness and chance outside of intelligence. This presentation will walk you through the different ideas of what information is, and how its presence in the biological world is an insurmountable hurdle for evolution to overcome.

Fred Williams is a board member of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, and co-host of Real Science Radio (AM 670, Mr. Williams has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Missouri S&T. He was the software architect of the ESCON Repeater and IBM’s Sysplex Timer, and was the lead engineer for Caterpillar’s heavy highway GPS tracking devices. He is currently a software engineer in NAND development at Micron Technology. He has spent much of his 37 year career knee-deep in the design and development of technology that often relies on principles from information theory.



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