
Mike Snavely: The Hunters & the Hunted

When: Friday, November 09, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado


Our speaker for Friday, November 9th is Mike Snavely of Mission Imperative. Mike Snavely was reared in South Africa, the son of missionary parents.  His father was a bush pilot for a mission hospital among the Zulu people.  Growing up in an area that teemed with remarkable and diverse creatures, he had a wide variety of fascinating experiences which helped to mold his future.  After graduating from Oak Hills Christian College in Minnesota in 1979, he returned to South Africa to work for the National Parks Service in the Kruger National Park, which in some circles has earned him the nickname, “Ranger Mike”.   

Following this, he began a career as an African wildlife artist.   In 1985 he married Carrie Baum who grew up near Hershey.  Carrie, a musician, attended Lancaster Bible College and was the executive secretary for the Pennsyvania Turpike Commission.  In 1986 they went to South Africa as missionaries with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) and served by teaching at Durban Bible College.  Since returning to the U.S., they founded a not-for-profit organization named Mission: Imperative! in 1995 - a ministry of teaching creation-oriented issues through a series of seminars covering a wide range of topics.  The ministry necessitates travel, both in this country and abroad.  Mike and Carrie have three children -  Luke (1986), John (1989), and Laura (1991). 

The “Creation Safari” seminars Mike has developed are not dry lectures, nor does he speak over people’s heads.  His "nuts-and-bolts" approach is to make these sessions as interesting and understandable as possible.  He uses PowerPoint, video, and various other props.  The use of humor adds to the interest.

Mike's talk is titled "The Hunters & the Hunted". Please join us!

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