Mr. Jim Strom: Four Blood Moons Video

When: Friday, September 11, 2015, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

For the September meeting we plan to view and discuss a video, introduced and facilitated by RMCF member Jim Strom of Castle Rock. Jim has been involved with several ministries including RMCF, Pardoned By Christ (prison ministry), Christian Friends of Israeli Communities and other groups promoting shared bonds with the Jewish community to help stand up for Israel. For over 30 years he has been devoted to research on such topics as Biblical astronomy, creation science and especially apologetics that help verify the uniqueness of the scriptures.

Jim has a keen interest in signs in the heavens, because “the heavens declare the glory of God.”(Ps 19) We are told to be watchful, and Luke 21 says there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.  What do we look for? Genesis 1:14 says that He created the sun and moon for signs and seasons connected with the feast days (moed in Hebrew, but translated “seasons” in English). The wise men noticed the Star of Bethelem as a sign of the birth of Jesus.  So if God is giving us signs shouldn't we recognize them?

The time period of 2014-2015 is a unique time, as we are having four consecutive total lunar eclipses on Jewish feast days.  Could this be a sign, as Jesus told us there would be, before He returns?

Jim will show a video entitled “Four Blood Moons,” on the topic of Biblical astronomy, wherein several astronomers, rabbis, & Christian leaders including David Barton discuss, "Is God trying to tell us something?"

Jim was an atheist and has a B.S. degree in Geology with a minor in chemistry from the State University of NY at Oneonta. He came to Colorado in 1975 and worked for a uranium exploration company and a geochemical lab, but then he found the LORD and has been in unrelated fields since.  Jim did a great job in leading our Safari to the Snowmastadon fossil discovery and visitor center.

The meeting will consist of a brief introduction, a one hour DVD showing, followed by Q&A. It should be an interesting and educational night as we examine this subject in light of scripture. 

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