For our April meeting we welcome back Mr. Bruce Malone! His topic is The Awe of God. One of the primary reasons we are losing the next generation is that the AWE of God has been trained out of them during their education. Creation is the window for regaining that awe. This lecture looks at some lesser known features of incredible creatures and explains why it is an absolute scientific impossibility that evolution could have created the variety and complexity of life.
Bruce Malone gave his life to Christ over 40 years ago, as the Lord miraculously preserved him through a close call with death. Since that time Bruce has looked for a deeper purpose in life and realized that rejection of Biblical truth, justified by belief in evolution, is the acid which is eating away at the moral foundation of our culture. Bruce spent 27 years working as a research leader for the Dow Chemical Corporation, has a degree chemical engineering, and is responsible for key innovations which have resulted in 17 patents. But his passion is sharing the relevance and evidence for creation, so he retired early to become full time Director of Search for the Truth Ministries. Bruce has spoken extensively, from secular universities to Christian groups, in 15 countries. Since 2008 Bruce given 1500 talks to more than 170,000 people. Our founder is author or co-author of 8 books on the evidence for creation, with 700,000 copies printed having donated 330,000 to students and prisoners. Bruce brings science alive through stories and demonstrations, showing that Biblical creation is the most rational explanation for the world around us. The purpose of both his books and lectures is to help the non-scientific layman understand the importance of creation while motivating and equipping them to share these truths. Bruce resides in Midland, MI with his wife Robin, and they have four children and 8 grandchildren. Contact Bruce to arrange a speaking engagement at your church or organization.
Please join us back at the church in-person for an exciting topic from a prestigious speaker! There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.