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“A CRS Update,” and “Mathematics, the Language of Creation.”

When: Friday, December 08, 2017, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

  For the December 8, 2017 RMCF meeting we are privileged to host Don DeYoung, PhD, president of the Creation Research Society.  Dr. DeYoung teaches in the Science and Mathematics Department of Grace College, in Winona Lake, Indiana. Don joined the Grace faculty in 1972 with sabbatical leaves in California, Europe and the South Pacific. He is a graduate of Michigan Tech University (B.S., M.S., Physics), Iowa State University (Ph.D.), and Grace Theological Seminary (M. Div.).  

  His science writings have appeared in many periodicals. He has written twenty books on Bible-science topics including object lessons for children. His website is

   The Creation Research Society (CRS), with 1700 members worldwide, funds research, publishes a technical quarterly journal, and operates a laboratory in Arizona. Dr. DeYoung and his wife Sally have three married daughters. In their local church, Don is an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher.

  Don speaks on a broad range of Bible-science topics and believes that the details of nature are a powerful testimony to the Creator’s care for mankind.  His topics for the evening will be: “A CRS Update,” followed by “Mathematics, the Language of Creation.”

  Dr. De Young will also appear on Thursday, Dec. 7, 7pm at the Ascension Lutheran Church, 1701 W. Caley, in Littleton, an event sponsored by the Creation Society of Denver.  His talk will be on “The Bible and Astronomy.”  The public is invited.

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