Dr. Anthony Harper: Evolution and Its Influence on Psychology; sneak preview "A Matter of Faith"

When: Friday, August 14, 2015, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

For the August 14 RMCF meeting, we will be honored by an appearance of Dr. Anthony Harper, Editor and Christian news correspondent with the Intermountain Christian News.  In addition to his topic “Evolution and Its Influence on Psychology”, Dr. Harper is also planning to show a sneak preview of the movie "A Matter of Faith". You can view the trailer here. This movie is Hollywood quality and has top notch endoresements from AiG and other conservative organizations.

Dr. Harper is a Southern Baptist Chaplain/Ordained Minister with a Doctorate degree in Psychology from California Coast University. His undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies was completed at The University of The State of New York in Albany, NY.  Anthony also has a Master's degree in General Guidance and Counseling from The College of Idaho, with post-Master's graduate work in counseling from Liberty University. His special research interests have been in Neuropsychology regarding traumatic brain injury and the Psychology of Music. Dr. Harper is listed in the Second Edition (1998 issue) of Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, and is also an accomplished musician and vocalist.

Dr. Harper saw a need for a nonprofit hospital facility for young people dangerously careening down the dark path of mental illness to depression and suicide.  (It's a road he personally knows too well-- he used to be one of the Lost Children, having experienced clinical depression as a child.) Dr. Harper finally did find relief through the grace of God and encouragement from scriptures found in 2 Timothy 1:7 and Ps 40:1-3. He became the founder of Children of Hope Family Hospital of Boise, Idaho. 

As a survivor, Dr. Harper possesses an intimate and unique understanding of the severely mentally ill population and treatment options. His early experience has motivated him to provide a healthier treatment alternative. 

Please join us!  Refreshments will be served. 

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