
Creation & the Flood: Geology Field Trip in Colorado Springs

When: Saturday, July 26, 2014, 09:00am
Where: Colorado Springs, CO

 Creation Biology Society and Creation Geology Society at the Origins 2014 Conference in Colorado Springs.

LEADER: Steven A. Austin, Ph.D., geology instructor at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio.

DATE: Saturday, July 26, 2014 (immediately at the end of the Origins 2014 Conference)

TIME: 9 am to 5 pm (onsite registration is at 8:30 am with bus departure promptly at 9 am).

STAGING: By bus from Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs, morning stops near Manitou Springs, 
lunch at Garden of the Gods, Cretaceous strata in afternoon, return to Focus on the Family by 5 pm.

PURPOSE: The Front Ranges of the Colorado Rocky Mountains are our talking points for discussion of Creation and the 
Global Flood. We visit selected stops from the town of Manitou Springs eastward to Colorado Springs, Colorado. An 
extraordinary landscape reveals vertical strata at Garden of the Gods. We overlook the upturned strata between two 
gigantic faults (Rampart Range Fault and the Ute Pass Fault). Here we visualize processes that formed the primary 
features of the region (Pikes Peak Granite, the Great Unconformity, Sawatch Sandstone, Hardscrabble Limestone, 
Fountain Formation, Lyons Sandstone, Morrison Formation, Dakota Sandstone, Pierre Shale and Rampart Range). We 
explore the continental sedimentary and tectonic connections, including the correlation with Grand Canyon of Arizona.

COST: $40 ($60 if not preregistered for the Origins 2014 event), includes bus transportation, guidebook and lunch.

PREREGISTRATION: By telephone before July 19 with Becky Gervais at 503-510-4157 (her phone is in Pacific Time Zone). 
Websites: and

SCRIPTURE: “The waters were standing above the mountains. At Thy rebuke they fled….The mountains rose and the 
valleys sank down….” (Psalm 104:6-8), and “Speak to the earth and let it teach you….” (Job 12:8).

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