
Dr. Jerry Simmons: Noah’s Flood Evidence”

When: Friday, January 12, 2024, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

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For our January meeting, we welcome Dr. Jerry Simmons, also known as "Doc Rock", who will be speaking on the topic "Noah's Flood Evidence". Hear about his fossil digs in the Lance/Hell Creek formation in Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota. Let DocRock identify and tell you about your favorite “mystery rock”, “pretty rock”, or fossil.

Jerry Simmons holds an earned doctorate in MultiCultural Childhood Science Education from the University of New Mexico. Jerry has taught science at the high school and mid-school levels for sixteen years and at the college level for twenty years, as well as groups of all ages, both in the classroom and in the field. Dr. Simmons has extensive knowledge of the natural sciences, especially in the fields of general geology, paleontology, and archaeology. He and his wife Linda live in Haviland, KS where he is full-time curator of the Heart of America museum. Jerry and Linda have three grown children and seven grandchildren.

Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Littleton Baptist church

For those who cannot attend in person, you can watch the presentation live via the RMCF YouTube Channel.




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