For our September meeting we welcome Dr. Barbara Helmkamp, Ph.D. Physics! She will be speaking on the topic Polonium Halos: Time, Temperature, Miracle. Barbara has a PhD in physics from LSU and BS Eng in physics from CSM, working as a petrophysical engineer for Shell Oil between undergraduate and graduate studies. She also completed a sequence in theology (including OT and NT studies) from Concordia University Texas while teaching math and science at her church’s (and her daughters’) school in Houston. She currently teaches Calculus for Veritas Scholars Academy, an online school out of Pennsylvania. Barbara and her husband Bob are members at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Elizabeth.
Curious and ubiquitous spherical scars pepper granites the world-over at the microscopic level, presenting an intrinsic conflict between an old and young earth. These decay scars called “halos” (short for radiohalos, also known as pleochroic halos) are not just found in basement rock but also in intrusive granites that cut through phanerozoic (fossil-bearing) strata as well as in Mesozoic coalified wood; yet halos cannot survive sustained temperatures above 150°C much less the molten state. Thus, their existence has more to say about processes during the Flood year than during Creation week.
Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.