
Dr. Charles Jackson: Junk DNA

When: Friday, March 08, 2013, 07:00pm
Where: 2100 North Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO

Our speaker for March 8, 2013 will be Dr. Charles Jackson of the Creation Truth Foundation of Dallas Texas. Dr. Jackson has four degrees in science and education from U. of VA and George Mason University. From 1980 to 2002, he taught secondary school sciences, college biology and chemistry, and teacher education classes. In 2003, Dr. Jackson founded Points of Origins Ministries and began teaching, speaking, and debating in creation science education. His emphasis has been in making the case for the literal interpretation of the Scriptural accounts as being both scientifically and historically true.

As a former youth pastor and schoolteacher, the work of “Dr. J” has been primarily focused toward Christian youth. Dr. J and his wife, Bonnie, are missionaries to American College Students, and have served Creation Truth Foundation in that capacity since January 2009. They are keenly interested in the liberation of Bible-believing college students, from the delusion that their faith has been refuted by modern scientific understandings. Dr. J has crusaded against evolutionary dogma on college campuses across the mainland United States, and also in Venezuela and Peru, in lecture settings and academic debates.

The secret to the success of Dr. J’s ministry has not merely been the God-given gifts of academic and communication skills, but an ultimate dependence upon the Spirit of God, while debating the issues in the public forum. [ “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” James 1:5 ] 

Dr. Jackson will speak on the topic of so-called “Junk DNA”, which is definitely not junk.  Join us for this edifying evening.

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