
Mr. Wayne Spencer: Rethinking Planetary Science from a Creation Perspective

When: Friday, January 11, 2013, 07:00pm
Where: 2100 North Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO

For the January 11, 2013 meeting, RMCF will host noted creationist speaker and author Wayne Spencer.  Wayne has a Master’s degrees in Physics from Wichita State University in Wichita, KS (1994), and currently Wayne works for a software company in Dallas, Texas as an Interface Support Engineer.  He has also taught high school math and science as well as some college level courses.

Wayne has presented papers at the International Conference on Creationism and has published articles in the Journal of Creation, Creation magazine, and the website of Answers in Genesis.  Wayne has published articles on topics related to the solar system, extra-solar planets, Earth impacts, and Genesis.  Wayne publishes a free email newsletter called Creation Answers and maintains the creationanswers.net  website.

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