According to secular models, the planets, stars, and galaxies shouldn't exist at all -- yet there...
A run through Real Science Radio's exstensive list of Evidences againt the Big Bang.
A new picture of how gravity works, depicting space as a membrane being greatly accelerated in a 4th spatial direction
The Hubble, The Bible, and the Big Bang
A presentation refuting common claims of errors in the Bible.
A Crash Course on Biblical Interpretation.
Are Miracles Scientific?
Historical, Archeological, Medical, and Scientific evidences that support the Bible.
A focus on the first six verses of Psalm 19—which contrasts General Revelation with SUPER-natural revelation.
Refuting the human embryo gill slit nonense borne from the "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" lie.
A historical retrospect covering decades of genomic research that has completely reversed evolutionists’...
Natural Limits to Biological Change.
Evidences of rapid, mass burial of dinos and the amazing preservation of their fossils, a strong testimony...
A look at Genesis 1 from a scientific perspective.
Strong evidences of a Global Flood, both from Scripture and the geologic record.
A New Theory for the Pre-Flood Canopy.
Explores how a scientific understanding of the physics of light helps us to understand the attributes of Creator,...
Highlights from the lastest in Creation Science on the Real Science Radio Show for 2014.
Evidence for a mature creation In The Beginning.
There is not a single transitional fossil connecting any of the members of theprimate family with their presumed...
The Grand Mystery of science: the fact that the physical world can be comprehended.
Includes artifacts in the Creation Evidence Museum as evidence against evolution.
Creation, Evolution, and the Genesis of the Christian Home School Movement in America.
A 20 year fighter and test pilot explains why it is important to stand firm on a literal Genesis.
Using the Origins Controversy as a Teaching Tool in Science Education.
Creation Evangelism and the Impact on Culture.
A scholarly refutation of Richard Dawkins’ blasphemous bestseller, The God Delusion.
Darwin and the Decline of the Bible
The Shocking Truth about Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters.