Past Events

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Mr. Brian Mariani - In Awe of God: Inspiration from James Webb Telescope

When: Friday, March 14, 2025, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

For our March meeting we welcome back Mr. Brian Mariani on the topic 'In Awe of God: Inspiration from James Webb Telescope'. 

Brian and Aimee Mariani were both raised with a solid foundation and a deep passion for God’s word, science, and God’s Creation. In public schools and secular universities, Brian saw the deception of evolution all around him. He later taught the credibility of creation and the pervasiveness of evolution from a Biblical perspective as a science teacher at a Christian high school. Aimee has spent many years teaching campers about God’s creation at a Christian living history camp. They met at a Bible College that strengthened their creation worldview where Brian also had the opportunity to be one of the main researchers and contributors to the book, The Genius of Ancient Man. Brian and Aimee joined AOI in 2013 because they have a passion to teach others about God through history, science, and His creation. They have been hard at work developing AOI’s Discover Creation Training Institute. Make sure you check out the Marianis’ Blog (Adventures in Faith) and Youtube channel to keep up to date with their adventures and teaching. They will also be blogging regularly on the Discover Creation Blog.

Please join us back at the church in-person for an exciting topic from a prestigious speaker! There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Littleton Baptist church

For those who wish to watch the presentation online

YouTube Live feed: RMCF YouTube Channel



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