Past Events


Mr Ed Johlman: Yes, the Bible Says the Earth is About 6,000 Years Old!

When: Friday, June 14, 2024, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

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For our June meeting, RMCF welcomes Mr. Ed Johlman, RCMF Board Member and FOUNDATIONS Editor. Ed will be presenting the topic "Yes, the Bible Says the Earth is About 6,000 Years Old!".

The title says it all! Many including Christians prefer to think the Earth is billions of years old, but that simply isn’t true. Ed will demonstrate that the Bible clearly teaches our Earth is very young! If you aren’t afraid of the truth, don’t miss this one!

Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Littleton Baptist church

For those who cannot attend in person, you can watch the presentation live via the RMCF YouTube Channel.




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