Past Events

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Mr Mike Weeks: The Restless Earth -- an Introduction to Volcanoes from a Creationist Perspective

When: Friday, April 12, 2024, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

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For our April meeting, RMCF welcomes Park Ranger Mr. Mike Weeks, who will be presenting the topic "The Restless Earth -- an Introduction to Volcanoes from a Creationist Perspective." The talk will include:

  • the various types of volcanoes,
  • volcanic minerals and gemstones,
  • discussion of various religious views about volcanoes, and
  • examine where volcanoes would likely fit within the Biblical Creation perspective.

Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Littleton Baptist church

For those who cannot attend in person, you can watch the presentation live via the RMCF YouTube Channel.




Hits : 1018
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Each month an email with speaker information will be sent a few days before the meeting

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