Past Events


Mr. Spike Psarris: Defeating Atheism with Science

When: Friday, October 08, 2021, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

For our Octoboer meeting we are excited to welcome back Mr. Spike Psarris, who will be speaking on "Defeating Atheism with Science". This shows Christians how to defend their faith against any scientific claim from an atheist, even without knowing the details of that particular claim—because science itself disproves atheism. This presentation discusses seven fundamental assumptions about the Universe that are necessary for science to work. All of these assumptions are consistent with Biblical Christianity, but are denied by an atheistic worldview. Atheism, when taken to its logical conclusion, denies the fundamental assumptions and requirements of science. Therefore, if science is a valid method of discovering the truth about the Universe — in other words, if science works — then atheism must be false, while conversely, the Bible provides a solid foundation for scientific discovery. Along with the concepts being discussed, this presentation discusses some specific evidence for the creation viewpoint and against the secular viewpoint. Overall, it’s meant to equip the audience with straightforward questions and things to discuss with unbelievers.

Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Little Baptist church

For those who wish to watch the presentation online

YouTube Live feed: RMCF YouTube Channel

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Meeting ID: 817 0246 2145
Passcode: 303711
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