Past Events


Richard Stepanek: The Star of Bethlehem

When: Friday, December 14, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado


Our speaker for Friday, December 8th is Richard Stepanek of Alpha Omega Institute. Richard Stepanek was taught evolution in school and in church. He believed it until God opened his eyes to creation at a “Discover Creation” seminar. After extensive personal research on the subject, Rich became firmly convinced that the facts support the literal account of Creation found in the Bible. Rich joined Alpha Omega Institute as a full time speaker in 1997 and has taught both in the States and internationally. Rich has done extensive studies in Genesis and its relevance to the rest of Scripture, and loves to teach on this topic. His wife, Sue, often travels with him in the ministry.

Richard's talk will be on "The Star of Bethlehem". In Matthew chapter two the wise men see a star that proclaimed the birth of the “King of the Jews”. What did the wise men see? Was it a star, a comet, or supernova?   Maybe it was something altogether different.  This has been a mystery for centuries. What clues are there in the Word of God to give us some insight as to what it might be?  I believe the Scripture reveals what they saw. So come and see for yourself!


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