Past Events


Jim & Rosa Pearl: The Fields Are White For Harvest - Catastrophic Geology and College Campuses

When: Friday, October 12, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado


Our speakers for Friday, October 12th will be Jim & Rosa Pearl. Dr. Jim and Rosa Pearl met at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California in 1971. Rosa worked in the Library, and Jim worked in Marine and Land Geology. She was born in Scotland, while he was raised on a ranch in the California Coast Ranges. As a student at the University of California, Berkeley in 1964, Jim had first doubted the philosophy of evolution. After becoming Christians in 1975-1976, the LORD asked them to “go to the streets” and speak and act against both evolution and abortion. The evolutionists tried to deny Jim promotions as a geologist. The abortion industry tried to jail and sue the Pearls. But the LORD JESUS CHRIST prospered their Family. Rosa and Jim raised five children and grandchildren, moving to Northern Idaho in 1995.

In September 2017, and at the time of Jim’s 75th Birthday, he thought that he was done after over 40 years of ministry. Liberal Cal Berkeley had again published one of his articles—“Birds and Butterflies”-- including Scriptures! Then, Jim heard the HOLY SPIRIT say, “Jim, have you considered going on College Campuses?” Rosa confirmed that the HOLY SPIRIT had said, “that they would be again traveling!” Within months they had contacted students on about 40 college campuses and had visited 14 colleges. GOD can use Seniors too!

In the first part of Friday evening, Jim Pearl will speak briefly on his most recent work on the Catastrophic Geology of the Northern Rocky Mountains and Related Events in the Solar System. The Belt-Purcell Supergroup Formations of the U.S. and Canada cover an area the size of the State of Minnesota. These thick formations were deposited rapidly.

After the break, Jim and Rosa will talk about their work on College Campuses and making a Case-for-CHRIST to the Students. They are still learning to listen and to dialogue with the students. They invite any husband-wife team to join them at Colorado State University on Saturday, October 13th. 

Please join us!

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