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“Information: The Missing Link” with Dr. Gary Locklair

When: Friday, June 08, 2018, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

  Dr. Gary Locklair is professor and chair of computer science at Concordia University Wisconsin. He has been actively involved in cosmogony (the science of origins) for more than 30 years. 

  He serves on the board of directors for the Creation Research Society, the oldest international organization devoted to scientific research into the creation model. He is also a member of the Lutheran Science Institute, and he is a founding member of the Concordia University System Society of Creation. He and his wife Karen have 5 adult children. They have been blessed with 7 grandchildren and enjoy living on a small hobby farm with their rescued animals. Gary & Karen enjoy driving their 1990 Corvette when the weather permits.   

  Gary’s topic for the evening will be: “Information: The Missing Link”

  Yes, the missing link to solve the puzzle of origins has been discovered. And that critical evidence is “information.”

  Information only comes from intelligence. Intelligence is necessary to create information. These statements are reasonable and sensible. Yet, they strike at the very heart of origins controversy. If these statements are true, then they provide strong validation for the creation model of origins and argue powerfully against any naturalistic explanation for origins, such as evolution.

  Naturalists assert that the creation model misunderstands evolution and that genetic information can increase over time via materialistic processes. However, what needs to be focused on is the origin of information and not whether pre-existing information can generate additional information. 

  Creation is a more reasonable idea for origins because there are no “missing links” in the model. Creation can explain the origin of information, unlike evolution. Information theory is a convincing argument in support of the creation model.

Please join us for this fascinating presentation, and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. 


Hits : 1902
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