Past Events


Rob Bracken: Scientific Method and the Bible

When: Friday, June 09, 2017, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

For the June 9, 2017 meeting, our speaker will be Rob Bracken, Vice President of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship. Mr. Bracken received his bachelor's degree in Geophysics in 1980 from the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University. He is a Research Geophysicist in methods and equipment development, specializing in gravity, magnetics, and airborne geophysics. He worked with scientists from NASA and NOAA to put magnetometer systems into the stratosphere on aircraft. Most recently, he has developed a new and innovative method that removes aircraft-caused magnetic interference while conducting high-altitude magnetic surveys.

Having declared himself an atheist at age 12 because of “science”, Rob later came to the Lord in a sort of “Road-to- Damascus” revelation while riding on an Alaskan bush plane. Up until that time he had no reason to question the evolutionary precepts that were being taught him in college. But since that time, he has studied extensively how the Bible is foundational to science, and how science points inexorably toward God. We live in a culture that thinks itself knowledgeable because of advancements in science; the Bible even says that at the time of the end, “many will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased” (Daniel 12:4). But what does our culture really know? What is knowledge? And how does science help us to gain knowledge? Endeavoring to shine light on these questions, Rob will expound on the scientific method, and how it powerfully corroborates the Biblical testimony, while refuting much of what seems these days to pass as science.

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