Past Events


Dr. Marcus Ross, PhD: “Of Meteorites and Mosasaurs (marine reptiles and their extinction during the Flood)”

When: Friday, November 13, 2015, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

RMCF is pleased to announce the appearance on November 13, 2015, of Dr. Marcus Ross, PhD, Associate Professor of Geology at Liberty University, who also serves as Liberty’s Assistant Director for the Center for Creation Studies. Marcus and his wife Corinna live in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Ross received his B.S. in Earth Science from Pennsylvania State University, his M.S. in Paleontology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and his PhD in Geosciences from the University of Rhode Island.  

  Marcus Ross has loved paleontology (especially dinosaurs) since he was a kid growing up in Rhode Island.  He has continued pursuing this passion, currently researching about a group of extinct marine reptiles called mosasaurs. His studies have focused on paleontology and geology, with a particular interest in extinction, Flood geology, and the paleontology of created kinds. He is the owner/founder of Cornerstone Educational Supply, which offers high-quality, expert-chosen, and Bible-based rock, mineral, and fossil kits, testing materials, and lesson plans that are unapologetically creationist.  

   Marcus Ross is greatly interested in issues surrounding the creation-evolution controversy and the intersection of geology with the Biblical events of creation and Noah's Flood.  Dr. Ross is a frequent contributor to Answers Magazine and has published papers in the Journal of Creation, and the Creation Geology Society.  

  Dr. Ross is he lead author of a new textbook on Earth science,  titled The Heavens and the Earth, which is the benchmark textbook for creation-based Earth science, covering geography, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. Members can purchase a copy at our book table after the presentation. The topic of Dr. Ross’ presentation:  “Of Meteorites and Mosasaurs (marine reptiles and their extinction during the Flood).”  Refreshments will be served.

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