Past Events


Mr. David Rives: The Bible Knows Best – Hidden gems of astoundingly good science

When: Friday, June 12, 2015, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

For the June 12 meeting, we welcome David Rives, host of the "Creation in the 21st Century" TV show seen on TBN every Wednesday at 11am Central time. David is involved with historical and scientific research, and has been featured on the History Channel in relation to his work on Dead Sea Scrolls projects, not to mention his countless appearances on other media outlets around the world.

After eleven trips to the Holy Land and extensive work with observatory class telescopes, a steady following has emerged, as many tune in faithfully for his television program broadcast to millions on TBN. His signature line is: "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God," and he explores the beauty and complexity of Creation from a Biblical perspective. A songwriter and recording artist as well, the addition of creativity to traditional scientific findings truly puts David in a league all his own. Around the world, he has shared his compelling message through documentaries, music, photography, books, and lectures. David is author of the book "Wonders Without Number," is Director of the Genesis Science Network, and his song "In His Hands" was charted on Inspirational Country in 2015. His Documentary "In The Beginning" was a semi-finalist at the largest Christian film festival in the world. For his presentation at RMCF, David has chosen as his topic “The Bible Knows Best – Hidden gems of astoundingly good science and sound advice in the scriptures,” which looks at many issues, including the benefits of taking a Biblical creation stand when it comes to understanding what we see around us. Join us!

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