Past Events


Mr. Spike Psarris: Our Created Universe

When: Friday, November 14, 2014, 07:00pm
Where: 5900 E. Yale Ave, Denver, CO

For the November 14 meeting, RMCF will host noted author Spike Psarris, who has published articles on astronomy in Creation magazine and CMI's Technical Journal. Spike was previously an engineer in the United States' military space program. He entered that program as an atheist and an evolutionist. He left it as a creationist and a Christian.

Spike now writes and speaks on Biblical creation, and is the author of the DVD series, "What you aren't being told about astronomy," available at  The title of his presentation will be: "Our Created Universe," which will emphasize the fact that secular origins models cannot explain the cosmos. Science textbooks, programs, and other media tell us that we 'know' the Universe formed all by itself billions of years ago in a Big Bang event, with no Creator being involved. Despite these claims, the planets, stars, and galaxies we see contradict secular expectations. According to secular models, many of these objects shouldn't exist at all -- yet there they are. In this presentation, full of beautiful photographs from NASA and other sources, you'll discover that the Universe is consistent with Biblical creation. Rather than supporting secular models, the heavens declare the glory of God!

There is no cost to attend this presentation and free refreshments will be served after the meeting. The RMCF library will be available at the meeting and is free to all RMCF members. Books are available for sale at our book table in the fellowship hall. Please note that you can join or extend your membership and donate to RMCF online. Streaming video of past speakers to RMCF are also available on the website.

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