Past Events

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Dr. Jerry Bergman: Darwinism is a Universal Acid which Destroys Everything

When: Friday, May 09, 2014, 07:00pm
Where: 2100 North Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO

RMCF will be truly honored at our May 9 meeting to have as our speaker, Dr. Jerry Bergman, who has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at Northwest State College in Archbold, OH for over 25 years. He has 9 degrees, including 7 graduate degrees. Dr. Bergman is a graduate of Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, The University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. A Fellow of the American Scientific Association, member of The National Association for the Advancement of Science, and many other professional associations, he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the Midwest and in Who’s Who in Science and Religion.

Dr. Bergman has over 800 publications in 12 languages and 20 books and monographs. Among Dr. Bergman’s publications is a book on the creationevolution controversy, a book on vestigial organs with Dr. George Howe, a book on psychology and religious cults, and a book on discrimination against creation scientists called “Slaughter of the Dissidents.” He has contributed to dozens of other textbooks, mostly biology and biochemistry. He has been a featured speaker on many college campuses throughout the United States and Europe, and is a frequent guest on radio and television programs. Dr. Bergman will speak on the subject, “Darwinism is a Universal Acid which Destroys Everything.” Don’t miss this great educational opportunity.

RMCF meetings are free to the public, and refreshments will be served.  Please join us for what will be a memorable evening about homeschool education.

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