Past Events


Mr. Lou DeGrave: Are Creationists Missing the Big Picture?

When: Friday, December 13, 2013, 07:00pm
Where: 2100 North Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO

For the Advent season, we welcome RMCF member Lou De Grave, who spoke to us back in 2012 on the subject of “Evolution’s Impact.” For over 10 years Louis has delighted audiences of all ages across the Front Range area with lively presentations on topics such as Creation vs. Evolution, which have been expanded to cover Bible Characters. Lou’s topic, “Are Creationists Missing the Big Picture?” implies that creation vs. evolution needs to be presented to an even wider audience. Come hear how he will incorporate Bible Characters into his December presentation.

Louis grew up in Indonesia (formerly Dutch East Indies) and spent 39 months in a Japanese concentration camp during World War II. He received his B.S. in Civil Engineering. He has been very involved in RMCF activities, including engaging home school families at our booth at the CHEC conference. Louis often gives creation presentations such as a recent, overnight trip, with the car trunk stuffed with dinosaur models, as dino presentations appeal to people of all ages.

John preaches part time at a retirement home, and also works full time as an industrial chemist designing antioxidants. The preservation mechanism of the purportedly 68 million year old flexible soft tissue is at present unknown. Dr. John M. DeMassa will evaluate chemical clues of remnant proteins and offer a hypothesis regarding the final days of T-Rex as he explores, “Dinosaurs, Deluge and Degradation.”

Hits : 1918
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