Past Events


Mr. Bob Enyart: An Overview of Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory

When: Friday, October 11, 2013, 07:00pm
Where: 2100 North Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO

For the October  11 meeting, RMCF will host Bob Enyart, a great friend and promoter of our ministry.  Bob Enyart co-hosts a weekly radio program called Real Science Radio (AM 670 KLT, Fridays, 3 pm) with RMCF Board Member Fred Williams, talking about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God, including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. Bob has appeared in dozens of media outlets including on ABC's “Politically Correct” with Bill Maher, the Associated Press, Reuters, the BBC, Al Jezeera, USA Today, People magazine, E! Entertainment and Court TV. Having authored more than a hundred articles, most significantly Bob has been published in the Creation Research Society Quarterly. On Real Science Radio he has often debated atheists, including theoretical physicist  Lawrence Krauss and Scientific American editor Michael Shermer, Darwinists like AronRA and Eugenie Scott, and he has enjoyed sparring with anti-creationists like Jerry Loyne, Phil Plait, PZ Myers, and Jack Horner.

Most fun of all however is getting to interview the outstanding scientists like Dr. Johathan Sarfati, Dr. Kevin Anderson, and Dr. Walt Brown, who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that “Nothing created Everything.”

Bob is planning to present a talk on “An Overview of Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory.”   His presentation will include 1) the primary mechanism of the theory, 2) the major features of the Earth and the Solar System that it addresses, 3) it's strengths against some competing models, and 4) some objections to the theory from the creation science community. 

You can see the full version of this material as recorded later in a RSR flood seminar in Indianapolis by checking out this GF&HPT video from the RMCF library, or by purchasing it from the RSR store.

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