Past Speaker Schedule, 2001-2004
July 27, 2001 |
Dr. Robert Eckel |
"The Human Genome Project, |
This will be part 2 of Dr. Eckel's talk on the Human Genome Project (HGP). The Part 1 talk filled the church. Come early and get a seat. Don't worry if you missed part 1. |
August 10, 2001 |
Geoff Stevens (AIG) |
"Pain, Death, and Suffering" |
September 14, 2001 |
"Refuting Evolution" |
Physical chemist, chess master, and brilliant apologist, Jonathan is one of the strongest creationist minds in the world. His recent book Refuting Evolution already has over 250,000 copies in print. |
October 12,13, 2001 |
Ken Ham , Dr. David Menton and Buddy Davis |
Answers in Genesis Seminar |
This will be a two day seminar put on by Answers in Genesis. School sessions and workshops will be included. The best creation speaker in the world, Ken Ham, will be there! This seminar will be held at Riverside Baptist Church. |
November 9, 2001 |
"The Art in Presenting Science" |
It seems that we are involved in an increasing spiritual battle for the minds and hearts of our friends. How do we witness "Creation Science" to them and the world? Dr. Spear will show you how. |
December 14, 2001 |
Creation Astronomy |
Astronomy, Creation, and the Christianity. How come, one might ask are there so few Creationist astronomers? Why are there so few astronomy books and cosmological models written from a Creation perspective?Contrary to popular opinion there are astronomers whobelieve that the earth and the universe are very young and were created as described in Genesis. |
January 18, 2002 |
Torn between two worldviews |
Torn between two worldviews. Christians are trained to think secularly but they love Jesus with their hearts, and as a result they act on how they have been trained to think. What you pour into a persons mind will determine how he thinks. How he thinks will determine how he acts, regardless of his heartfelt faith. |
February 8, 2002 |
Post Flood Ice Age Evidence for Run-off of Flood Waters Whatever Happened to the Woolly Mammoth? |
What caused the ice ages? How many were there? What happened to all the water that covered the whole earth during Noah's Flood? What happened to all the Mammoths. When did they die? What did they really find? |
March 8, 2002 |
"Origin of Humans" and "Biological Change and the Fossil Record" |
The Origin of Humans. Biological Change and the Fossil Record. |
April 12, 2002 |
Dr. Russel Humphreys (ICR) |
Radio Carbon Dating, Starlight and Time |
May 10, 2002 |
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics |
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics |
June 14, 2002 |
Dr. Gary Parker |
Population Genetics is a subject sometimes called "Evolutionary Biology. In a presentation not yet written for publication, Dr. Parker (while striving to maintain his reputation for understandability) will take us deeper than his general public lectures, and give us mathematically precise reasons for affirming:"natural selection, yes; evolution, no," and for seeing Population Genetics as "Creation Biology." |
July 12, 2002 |
Design and Age Indicators in Astronomy A Creationist's View on Astronomy Today |
Astonomy |
August 9, 2002 |
Brian Catalucci, President, RMCF |
Original Intent |
September 13, 2002 |
Pastor Gino Geraci |
Hemenutics and Creation |
October 11, 2002 |
William Browning |
Living Waters, a Vu-Graf presentation on the miracle of water and its characteristics of Intelligent Design for the support of life |
November 8, 2002 |
John Newton |
Creation Astronomy" |
John states: “As a Creationist Astronomer, I am often asked questions like: Do we really know the distances to the stars? Is stellar evolution true? What about Einstein's theory of Relativity? Do black holes exist? What about Dark Matter? Can astronomers determine the age of the universe? How big is the universe? And just how do we know what we know? Most books on astronomy will give answers to these questions. But are those answers true? More importantly, do they line up with Scripture? |
December 13, 2002 |
Dr. Bryant Wood |
For many years, Jerichohas been a problem in Biblical archaeology since scholars claimed that there was no city there at the time of Joshua and therefore the Bible must be in error. Dr. Wood's analysis of the artifacts dug up at Jericho shows that the previous dating was incorrect. Sodom and Gomorrah are two of five “Cities of the Plain†described in the Bible. Their fame as places of wickedness is legendary. Scholars however, have dismissed the Biblical accounts of these cities as mythological. That is, until their ruins were recently discovered by archaeologists |
January 10, 2003 |
Bill Jack |
Bill Jack interviews followers of Dr. Hugh Ross's ministry |
February 14, 2003 |
Dr. Dale Hudson |
His talk entitled If you don't believe in God, you must be crazy, is a provocative analysis of why the creationist world view is the only philosophy which makes sense out of our existence. |
March 14, 2003 |
Bill Browning |
The presentation is given in the Spirit of Romans 1:20, where we are told that we can understand the attributes of God as we observe His Creation. We will examine scientific principles of how light is "divided" (Job chapter 38),Special Relativity, the aurora borealis,photosynthesis, and thedesign of the light processors which God constructed on the wings of butterflies to produce their amazing iridescence. Entomological artist J.B. McKoy will also be speaking on Creative Design in Butterflies and Insects. |
April 11, 2003 |
Dr. Don Chittick |
The Bible, Science, and Reality |
Talk Friday night In his talk on Friday evening, Dr. Chittick will state that any successful explanation for origins must meet two major requirements. First, it must be logical, and second, the explanation must agree with reality. Biblical creation meets those criteria. Seminar on Saturday morning 1. Genesis and Geology |
May 9, 2003 |
In the Beginning |
Pastor Darrell Ferguson is a Boulder native who has attended Moody Bible Institute, 5:45 A.M. on KRKS 94.7 FM 7:00 A.M. on KRKS 990 AM 8:30 A.M. on KLTT 670 AM |
June 13, 2003 |
Creation |
Dr. Tas Walker is from AIG in Australia! He will be speaking twice on Friday night. The title of Dr. Walker's first talk will beCreation: Impacting the Modern World. The title of his second talk will beEvidence for Noah's Flood in Australia. |
July 11, 2003 |
Does the Truth Matter Anymore |
In the last 100 years of Church history, truth has been losing ground. Sermons nowadays go for entertainment appeal and many contain less and less Biblical truth. Many Christian churches are liberal and many have gone apostate and have departed from the faith. |
August 8, 2003 |
Remote Sensing Support for Creationists |
Dr. Holroyd will show satellite pictures of four mountain locations being investigated as the landing site for Noah's Ark. He will show similar satellite pictures of mountains being considered as the real Mount Sinai. Another project is showing rivers and jungle patterns in central Africa where there have been reports of sauropod dinosaur-like creatures. |
September 12, 2003 |
Pastor Ed Bulkley |
Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as our September speaker, Dr. Ed Bulkley.Dr. Ed Bulkley has been a pastor for over 30 years. Dr. Bulkley is the author of Internationally acclaimed books such as Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology, Only God Can Heal the Wounded Heart, and How Big is Your God? |
October 10, 2003 |
Dr. John Whitcomb |
Dr. Whitcomb will be speaking on Friday night and will be holding a mini-seminar on Saturday morning |
November 14, 2003 |
Dr. Dan Korow (AOI) |
Dr. Korow will be speaking twice that Friday: The Amazing Human Body; a journey into the wonderful temple God has given all of us. What About Cloning?; First there was Dolly the cloned sheep. Now scientists clone cats, mares and cows. Is cloning just a harmless experiment with animals? Find out what |
December 12, 2003 |
Dr. Bob Compton |
In this presentation, taken from Dr. Werner Gitt’s bookIn The Beginning Was Information, Dr. Bob Compton shows how the basic principles of information are clearly established in terms of scientific laws…the highest level of science. |
January 9, 2004 |
Bill Jack |
His topic for the January meeting is Because of the Creator. Bill's talk will deal with the social implications of accepting evolutionary assumptions. What will that mean to our society. Evolutionary assumptions permeate our society. Evolution is treated as fact by every facet of our society, whether it be the media, science organizations, our government or our universities. Evolution is instilled as fact in our public schools, teaching our children that they are cosmic mistakes with an animal heritage. When you teach kids that they come from animals, why do we object when they act like animals? |
February 13, 2004 |
Dr. Robert Eckel |
This month the title of Dr. Eckel's talk will be The Stem Cell Controversy: Where Should the Christian Stand?Stem Cell research is a very controversial topic and Robert will speak on its' current status and where we as Christians should stand on this research and it's uses in todays world. This is a hot topic and RMCF is priveledged to have Dr. Eckel inform us on this subject. |
March12,2004 |
Brian Catalucci |
In the beginning, God created a perfect world. There was no sin, no death, no hurricanes, no tornados, no sickness and no cancer. In that world He place perfectly designed animals and perfect human beings who were created after His own image. There are many in the Christian faith who don't accept these truths. They have compromised the clear teaching of Genesis with the secular, evolutionary teachings of man. They believe that animals were created hundreds of millions of years before man; living and dying, suffering illness and cancer, fleeing for their lives from other animals trying to eat them. A world full of violence and death and destruction. All before Adam took his first steps on earth... |
April 16, 2004 Please note that this is a week later than normal due to Good Friday being on April 9. |
Walter ReMine |
Walters talk will be on his book, The Biotic Message. His book is a science book on the creation-evolution controversy. It quotes frequently, if not exhaustively, and only from the author's opponents - the evolutionists. It focuses keenly on all the literature of the anti-creationists, to address the issues they raise. The book engages evolutionists on their terms, on their issues, using their testimony, and their ground rules - including the central role of testability within Science. |
May 14 , 2004 May 15, 2004 |
Dr. Glen Collins Common Sense Science |
Glenn is a researcher at Common Sense Science. On Friday he will be speaking twice. (1)Â current CSS particle physics models and how they impact existing models. (2)Â the inconsistency of relativity, quantum, & string theories with Biblical/Creationist On Saturday Morning he will be speaking at a breakfast session. (3)Â The revealed errors of Special & General RelativityTheories, Quantum Theories and proposals for their wholescale replacement. |
June 11 , 2004 |
Dr. Larry Kalb |
The title of Dr. Kalb's talk isFaith and Science. His talk will emphasize thedespairing gap between faith and science. In science we start with an hypothesis (a theory). Then through observation, data collection and analysis, we compare the findings to the original hypothesis and either confirm it, refine it, or discard it. This is science in action today. Faith does not come into play as we can see and touch the facts of the case. |
July 9, 2004 |
Mr. Ed Johlman |
Dinosaurs and the Bible |
The title of Ed's talk that evening will be Dinosaurs and the Bible. In his presentation he will cover five basic questions about some of God's most amazing creations..... |
August 13, 2004 |
Dr. Dale Hudson |
The title of Dr. Hudson’s talk will be The Post Flood World and the Origin of the Races. He will address what the Bible teaches about what happened to both man and the animals after Noah’s flood had receded and the Ark had landed. |
September 10, 2004 |
Dr Vern Peterman |
The title of Dr. Peterman's talk that Friday evening will be A Geology Adventure.When Dr. Peterman began his geology studies, they began from an old-earth standpoint, since that's what they taught as fact at that time. But in his concurrent fieldwork & classroom studies he began studying the young earth perspective, including books and the Creation Research Society quarterly. |
October 8, 2004 |
Dr Danny Faulkner |
Some astronomers look at the stars and planets through a telescope. Dr. Danny Faulkner views them through a biblical perspective in this unique book of the same title. |
November 12, 2004 |
Pastor Bob Enyart |
Age of the Earth Showdown |
Pastor Enyart's talk is titledAge of the Earth Showdown: A report on the Debate with Denver's Reasons to Believe. His talk covered the material presented to the local Denver chapter of Reasons to Believe, including a powerful refutation of the big bang, then followed up with a report on the open discussion that transpired during the presentation. |
December 2004 |
Rick & Sidney |
Rick Thompson has been doing ventriloquism since the age of seven. Rick and Sidney's program on creation examines the difference between evolution and creation and shows the scientific support for creation in an entertaining and memorable way. |