Science: A Tale of Two Theories - Evolution Under the Lens of True Science (Part 8) - Rob Bracken, RMCF President
Devotionon to Christ - The True Knowledge of God - Ed Johlman
Exploring Gravity - Don DeYoung, Ph.D
Science: A Tale of Two Theories - The Second Theory (Part 7) - Rob Bracken, RMCF President
The Gospel in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" - Ed Johlman
Science: A Tale of Two Theories - Einstein's Relativity and Excellent Science (Part 6) - Rob Bracken, RMCF President
How Do We Know The Earth is Young? - Brian Young
Science: A Tale of Two Theories - Einstein's Relativity and Excellent Science (Part 5) - Rob Bracken, RMCF President
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We need help for anything from a Secretary, to minor tasks such as post-meeting YouTube video trimming (15 minute job), meeting setup (e.g. help speaker get connected to projector), etc. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to help out.
Thanks for your consideration!
The RMCF Board
Why Can Dogs Dream - Brian Catalucci
Science: A Tale of Two Theories - Einstein's Relativity and Excellent Science (Part 4) - Rob Bracken, RMCF President
Quantum Entaglement - Fred Williams, Host of Real Science Radio, RMCF Board Member
Science: A Tale of Two Theories - Einstein's Relativity and Excellent Science (Part 3) - Rob Bracken, RMCF President
Information and the Demise of Darwinism - Fred Williams
Enemy Territory - Ryan Williams
He Made the Stars Also - Ed Johlman
Kuzushi and Evangelism - Carl Kerby
The Frozen Mammoth Mystery - Terry Mondy
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics