
Mr Fred Williams: The Best of Real Science 2024

When: Friday, August 09, 2024, 07:00pm
Where: 1400 W Caley Ave Littleton, Colorado

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For our August meeting, RMCF welcomes back Mr Fred Williams, who will be presenting on the best episodes of the last year on Real Science Radio. Fred will highlight the latest cutting edge science from RSR's interviews with scientists that include Dr. James Tour, molecular biophysics researcher Sal Cordova, surgeon Dr Carl Werner, Dr Royal Truman, and biochemist Dr Emily Reeves. Other popular shows include RSR's man on the street interviews, Kevin's Lea's latest material on the hydroplate theory, the AI revolution with Daniel Hedrick, and much more.

Fred Williams has been giving lectures on creation for over 30 years to churches, schools, conferences, and other organizations. Mr. Williams has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Missouri S&T, and currently works in the high tech industry as a Senior Principal Engineer for Micron Technology where he has led both the modeling and error mitigation teams. He has also been the software architect for numerous high-visibility projects including IBM's Sysplex Timer and Caterpillar's off-highway GPS tracking products. He is currently the co-host with Doug McBurney on the popular Real Science Radio program that airs every Friday at 3:00pm on the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT (, and as of July 2023 as a video podcast at He long served as the Webmaster for the Creation Research Society, the oldest creation organization in the United States.

Please join us at the church in-person for fellowship and personal time with our speaker. There will be snacks and refreshments afterwards.

Meeting location: Littleton Baptist church

For those who cannot attend in person, you can watch the presentation live via the RMCF YouTube Channel.




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