Dr. Don Patton

Talk: Update on Mt Ararat
Date: May 10th, 7:00pm

It is with much anticipation that we await the return visit of Don Patten, geologist on the Noah’s Ark search team headed by Dr. Richard Bright, known as the Ark Search LLC Expedition. Since his last presentation to us in March 2011, the Team has returned to the site on Mt. Ararat and obtained a sample of what may be the remains of the Ark. Dr. Patton will appear on May 10 with an update, and will explain the current status of the ongoing analysis of their findings, based on ground penetrating radar images and excavations into the glacial ice near the summit of the mountain.

As a member of Geological Society of America, Dr. Patton was a speaker at their ‘97 annual convention in Salt Lake City. 
 Dr. Patton was educated at Florida College in Bible studies, Austin Peay State University (Geology), Indiana U. and Purdue University (Geology) and the Pacific school of Graduate Studies of Melbourne, Australia (Geology and Education). He was granted a PhD in Education in 1993.

Dr. Don Patton is a partner in Mazada, a geological consulting firm in Dallas TX. He has worked as a professional geologist in the US, Mexico, Peru, Canada, Australia, Israel, Indonesia, Turkey and England. He has participated in dinosaur excavations in Colorado, Texas, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and Canada. The Colorado dig is on-going. In addition, Dr. Patton is the Chairman of Metroplex Institute of Origin Science, and Evangelist for Melrose Road Church of Christ, Dallas, TX (since 1986).

Please plan to attend this meeting, which will be a unique opportunity to hear the latest on Noah’s Ark research.

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