Mr. Louis DeGrave

Talk: Evolution's Impact
Date: December 14th, 7:00pm

For the Advent season, we welcome RMCF member Louis DeGraves, who spoke to us back in 2010 on the subject of “Global Warming.” For over 10 years Louis has delighted audiences of all ages across the Front Range area with fast moving presentations on a wide range of topics such as Creation vs. Evolution, Money, Biblical Characters Today, Proverbs Today and many more. Lou’s topic, “Evolution’s Impact” will address some of the results/consequences of that teaching. This presentation is easy to understand, many pictures, and great for students.

Louis grew up in Indonesia (formerly Dutch East Indies) and spent 39 months in a Japanese concentration camp during World War II. He received his B.S. in Civil Engineering. He has been very involved in RMCF activities, including engaging home school families at our booth at the CHEC conference, and helping to recruit new members. We are assured of a very entertaining evening.

Louis DeGrave at Home School Conference

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