Dr. Ed Holroyd

Talk: A Mature Creation
Date: May 11th, 7:00pm

The May meeting of the RMCF will be lead by Dr. Ed Holroyd, one of the founding members of RMCF. He has a B.S. in astrophysics, a Ph.D. in atmospheric science, and continuing education in geology.  In 2005 he retired from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation after 31 years of service as a research scientist studying weather and remote sensing. For more than 13 years he has been an adjunct professor at the University of Denver teaching graduate courses in remote sensing and digital image processing. Registrations for his popular online classes typically go to wait list in the first or second day.

Dr. Holroyd wrote one of the chapters in the book "In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation".  He has been a tour guide at Dinosaur Ridge for the past 22 years, the only young-earth creationist regularly appearing there. His Biblical coin exhibit has been to five continents so far, and can be viewed by arrangement and at www.EdHolroyd.info/Biblicalcoins.

Other apologetic topics are also posted on his web site. In recent years he has quietly been doing supportive remote sensing research for other creation teams, including searches for Noah’s Ark and for living dinosaurs. He has been to 27 nations on six continents. He is about to return to China for a fourth summer of teaching English to Chinese teachers of English.

Dr. Holroyd will speak on the topic "A Mature Creation", which will be a review of Dr. Bergman’s recent article in the CRSQ, promoting the idea that God did indeed create the universe in six days in recent times with the appearance of age.  Don’t miss this encouraging program!

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