Mr. Fred Williams

Talk: Evidences of the Bible
Date: April 13th, 7:00pm

For the regular monthly meeting on April 13, 2012, our speaker will be a member of the RMCF Board of Directors, Fred Williams.  Fred has been giving lectures on creation for over 17 years to churches, schools, conferences, and other organizations.

In addition to serving as a speaker for Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, he also serves as their Webmaster. Mr. Williams has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, and has spent the last 29 years in the high tech industry as a design engineer of both hardware and software. His projects have included developing software for a cutting-edge adult stem cell growth chamber. He currently manages an engineering team at Trimble that produces high-precision GPS devices for off-highway vehicles. He is currently the co-host with Bob Enyart on the popular Real Science Friday radio show that airs every Friday at 3:00pm on the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT. He has long served as the Webmaster for the Creation Research Society, the oldest creation organization in the United States.

Fred’s topic is titled "Evidences of the Bible.”  Fred has been engaging Bible skeptics for many years and has compiled answers to a wide range of questions and criticisms leveled against the Bible. His presentation on Bible apologetics not only provides solid answers to the skeptics, but also lays out a powerful line of evidence showing that the Bible must be divinely inspired. Topics include accuracy of prophecy, findings in archeology, scientific knowledge before its time, textual integrity, and much more. Please join us for a great time of fellowship!


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