Please join us for a crash course in baraminology, the research into the Biblical kinds. Our speaker, Dr. Roger W. Sanders serves as Assistant Director of the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee (web),. Raised in a fundamentalist church where he learned the gap theory, he became a theistic evolutionist in college. After obtaining a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1979, he worked as a plant taxonomist at well-known conventional research and educational institutions. About 12 years ago, feeling increasing compartmentalization of his life, he investigated the claims of young-earth creationism and was led to accept a literal interpretation of Genesis.
Having made the shift to young-earth creationism, he was immediately intrigued by the work of the Baraminology Study Group members (now the Creation Biology Society) who were studying the creation counterpart of his past evolutionary research. He became an active member in 2001 and in 2006 was hired by Bryan College to carry on research and publication in baraminology, that is, the study of organisms in relation to their having been created ex nihilo in separate kinds.
Dr. Sanders was the staff botanist on the Institute for Creation Research tour of the Galapagos Islands, whose lectures and plant photography were featured in Bill Browning’s presentation on Galapagos before an RMCF audience a couple years back. His presentation is entitled, “Baraminology: Understanding the diversity of life in light of God’s Word.” Don’t miss this informative program!