Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as it's March speaker Dr. Ed Holroyd. Ed Holroyd has a B.S. in astrophysics, a Ph.D. in atmospheric science, and is continuing his education in geology. He served as a weather research scientist and remote sensing scientist for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for 31 years before retirement in 2005. He has been teaching graduate courses in remote sensing at the University of Denver since January 1999 and at the Denver campus of Webster University since June 2005. Ed is one of the founding members of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship and has presented several topics to our membership.
At our March meeting, Ed will present the opinions of numerous scientists about the global warming issue through a special DVD plus a Powerpoint presentation. Topics covered will include:
* The strongest greenhouse gas by far is water vapor, not carbon dioxide.
* The computer models used for climate forecasts are primitive compared to the real atmosphere and do not properly account for all of the positive and negative feedbacks.
* Ocean fluctuations, which are inadequately measured, dominate climate changes.
In addition Ed will attempt a live demonstration of cloud brightening by cosmic rays, one of the possible factors in climate change.
Dr. Holroyd is one of the authors of the book "In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation", available from Master Books since 2001. He has been a tour guide at Dinosaur Ridge since 1990 and has written a booklet, "Dinosaur Ridge on a Young Earth". He was interviewed in the December 1997 issue of Creation Magazine.He has provided remote sensing support for several teams searching for Noah's Ark. His exhibit of Biblical period coins has travelled to five continents so far and has been viewable at since 1999.
Ed also has interests in botany and bird watching (lifetime list now 1021 bird species). He has visited more than two dozen countries. His new web site at has additional topics.