Mr. Fred Williams

Talk: The Best of Creation
Date: February 12th, 7:00pm

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is honored to have as our February speaker, Mr. Fred Williams. Fred has been giving talks on creation for over 14 years to churches, schools, conferences, and other organizations, and is also the co-host with Bob Enyart on the "Real Science Friday" program that airs bi-monthly at 3:00pm on the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT (AM 670). Fred currently serves on the RMCF Board of Directors as secretary, and has served as RMCF's Vice President in the past. Fred has also long served as the Webmaster for the Creation Research Society, the oldest creation organization in the United States.

Fred's talk is titled The Best of Creation. With the wide assortment of topics and slides he has accumulated over the years, he thought this was a good opportunity to condense these into a "Best of..." presentation for our group. This will include everything from a look at God's wondrous works, to common evolution arguments and the illusion behind them, to dinosaurs and the age of the earth. Fred will also share some of his "war" stories over the years of debating and confronting evolutionists.

Fred has spent the last 27 years in the high tech industry as a design engineer of both hardware and software for embedded systems. It was this experience that initially stoked his interest in the origins question. The more he considered design in nature, the more he came to respect the unfathomable genius behind it.


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