Dr. Georgia Purdom

Talk 1: The Intelligent Design Movement; How Intelligent Is It
Talk 2: Code of Life: DNA, Information, and Mutation
Date: February 13th, 7:00pm

To our knowledge, Dr. Georgia Purdom is the first female Ph.D. scientist engaged in full-time research and speaking on the Book of Genesis for a creationist organization (i.e., which accepts Genesis as literal history, including a young earth). Dr. Purdom became a Christian when she attended a youth camp (she was eight years old). Six years later at a Christian youth conference, she dedicated her life to serving the Lord.

Among Dr. Purdom’s professional accomplishments include the winning of a variety of honors, research presentations at national conferences and the completion of six years of teaching at Mt. Vernon Nazarene University (Ohio), where she served as a professor of biology.

Dr. Purdom has published papers in the Journal of Neuroscience, the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research and the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. She is also a member of the Creation Research Society, American Society for Microbiology, and American Society for Cell Biology.

She is a peer reviewer for the Creation Research Science Quarterly and has attended several creation conferences held by AiG and the BSG (A Creation Biology Study Group). She is also a member of the research team for the GENE project being conducted by the Institute for Creation Research. Dr. Purdom helped design several exhibits for the Creation Museum and serves as an instructor for the online apologetics classes offered through AiG.

Dr. Purdom’s main area of specialty is cell and molecular biology. Her graduate work focused on genetic regulation of factors important for bone remodeling. Her creation research interests are in the role of microbes before and after the Fall and the speciation of animals after the Flood.

Another one of Dr. Purdom’s keen interests is the Intelligent Design Movement. Her first talk will be The Intelligent Design Movement; How Intelligent Is It? Regarding the IDM, she commented that: “On the surface, IDM looks very attractive to Christians in that it supports the existence of God through science alone, while leaving out the Bible. It seems less controversial because a ‘god’ is not named and therefore, could be taught in schools in opposition to evolution. Many Christians are not educated about the IDM and the implications that it is teaching, which I think are problematic.”

Dr. Purdom’s second talk is titled, “Code of Life: DNA, Information, and Mutation”. The letters DNA have become a part of everyday language - in the media, schools, churches, and homes. DNA exists in the cells of all living organisms and contains an incalculable amount of information necessary for life. Evolutionary interpretations have led to the incorrect beliefs that mutations and natural selection are responsible for adding the information necessary for molecules-to-man evolution and that "junk" DNA is merely a leftover from this process. Dr. Purdom will explore the fascinating world of DNA and clearly show that "junk" DNA isn't junk and that mutations and natural selection are headed in the wrong direction, corrupting and decreasing information in DNA making evolution impossible. There is no cost to attend this presentation and free refreshments will be served after the meeting.

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