Jack’s Back! Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship
is privileged to have back as our annual January speaker, Mr.
Bill Jack from Worldview Academy.
We love Bill (well, most of the time) and he does an excellent job
in presenting ideas we can use in presenting the truth of Creation
to the world. Worldview Academy is a non-denominational ministry
dedicated to teaching parents and students to think and live in
accord with a Biblical Worldview so that they can
serve Christ and lead the culture. Please visit their website at
The title of Bill's talk is Creationism and the Threatened
Environment. Here it is in his own words.
“What does the future hold for our planet? Are our capitalistic
policies bringing about irreversible damage to ecosystems worldwide?
I will be addressing the outlook of the planet on January 9, 2009,
and I will be making predictions for our civilization based on current
trends. Whether you agree with my conclusions or not, we creationists
must act now.
As creationists we should be aware of the needs and issues facing
our world. For too long we have been playing catch up with the environmental
scientists on all fronts. It is time for creationists to become
proactive in advancing our message to the church and the culture.
Perhaps we need to outline and proclaim another aspect of the Gospel
rather than fighting over semantics.
We should reflect the nature of our Creator and find solutions to
growing problems in the environment. We should be on the leading
edge providing solutions to global warming, pollution of the air
and seas, and other environmental concerns. After all, we are to
be stewards of the planet that the Creator has loaned us. By our
showing concern for the reality of the devastation man is reeking
on our planet, non-Christians will begin to take the message of
hope seriously.
We can point out the miraculous hand of God in His creation and
honor Him by caring for what He has made. Our ability to live is
what is at stake. We must not betray our obligation to this planet.
We creationists need to step up, recognize our role as stewards
and embrace some of the issues that we too often have ignored.
Animal abuse in the food industry would be an obvious one we should
address. These are sensate beings marvelously designed for His glory
and our pleasure. “In wisdom you made them all, the
earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104:24)
After all, did not God create people to be vegetarians from the
beginning? Are we not to care for the less fortunate, the animals?
(Proverbs 12:10a). What is our responsibility to the earth, its
environment, and the other mammals that share our planet? We, as
creationists, should live out the biblical mandate to “speak
out for those who cannot speak for themselves.” (Proverbs
31:8) We should call upon the church, the culture, and the government
to address these pressing issues if not for ourselves, then for
future generations who will inhabit this planet.
Come find out what it means to be theologically and politically
“Green.” With the recent energy crisis, perhaps Christians
should be asking themselves, “WWJD?-----What Would Jesus Drive?”
I hope to have a creative discussion exploring solutions to our
growing ecological problem. If we join together, we can have a powerful
voice for the environment from a creationist perspective and change
the way we view transportation and other ecologically sensitive
As a way to have an immediate impact, a representative of T.A.P.E.,
a consortium of people seeking to halt the human-generated and violent
extermination of the little known and rather cute third world animal,
Cestoda, will be present to enroll new members. In addition, volunteer
donor forms will be available. Environmentally friendly projects
for the evening include: 1) Bring a recyclable TV dinner as a donation
or 2) Share your favorite organic vegetarian recipe with the community
or 3) Purchase “Save the Cestoda!” bumper stickers after
the meeting. Be sure and carpool, and remember, “WWJD?”
I’ll see you there.” Bill Jack.
Well there it is. Bill Jack in his own words. There will be refreshments
(made from recyclable plastic) after the meeting in our fellowship
hall and there is no cost for this engagement. Please come early
and get a good seat! Don’t forget to get the DVD of Bill’s
talk at the meeting and see you there! You really don’t want
to miss this one folks. Trust me ……………...