On Friday, October 10th at 7 PM, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship is privileged to have as its’ monthly speaker, Mr. Michael J. Oard. Michael received his Master's degree in Atmospheric Science from the University of Washington and worked as a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Great Falls, Montana. Michael has been a prior speaker for RMCF in the past on Noah’s Flood, the Great Ice Age and what happened to the Mammoths. He is retired from the National Weather Service as a meteorologist. Mike is a current speaker for the Answers in Genesis ministry and has written numerous books and papers.
Michael’s talk on Friday is titled Is man the cause of global warming? Man has been blamed for global warming. Al Gore and radical environmentalist claim that we need to redo our economy and lives to “fight” global warming. But what are the facts on global warming? Has global warming occurred? Is man totally to blame? Is global warming always harmful? Can we “fight” it and at what costs? Mr. Mike Oard will guide us through the maze of confusion, which is not unlike the creation-evolution controversy, with the facts on global warming.
Following a brief intermission, Mike will summarize observational evidence that supports the runoff of the Floodwater from the western United States, as documented in his new book: Flood by Design: Receding Water Shapes the Earth’s Surface.
There is no cost to attend this lecture by Michael and free refreshments will be served after the meeting. The RMCF library will be available at the October meeting and is free to all RMCF members. Meeting starts promptly at 7 PM. Please note that Dr. Ed Boudreaux who was to speak at the October meeting will be speaking at the November meeting.